Bitter strawberry tree honey is produced in autumn during the flowering of the plant of the same name. This honey is particularly prized because bees are reluctant to forage the strawberry tree flower, but since there are no other blooms during this period in Gallura, the bees are forced to use it. This results in a honey with a bitter taste, traditionally used as a remedy for coughs, to induce sleep, and as an energy food. This honey crystallizes immediately after extraction, so it is only sold in its crystallized state. Its color is light beige. The aroma is aromatic and reminiscent of walnuts. The flavor is strong and pleasantly bitter.
One of the honeys that represents the natural diversity of Sardinia is the wildflower honey from the Mediterranean maquis, a unique product that reflects the wide variety of blooms in the island's mountainous areas. The resulting blend is a combination of rich and spicy aromas, reflecting the diversity of the local flora.
The Insula thistle honey is produced in the hills of Gallura on natural pastures. The various species of wild thistle present in our territory significantly contribute to the production of this honey. It has a very strong flavor and a dark yellow color. Usage: suitable for all uses, recommended for the preparation of traditional Sardinian desserts.
The Insula lavender honey is produced in the hills of Gallura on natural pastures. Wild lavender, a small aromatic shrub typical of Gallura’s flora, plays an important role in the production of this honey. It has a very delicate flavor and a light, luminescent yellow color.
The Insula eucalyptus honey is produced in the flat and coastal areas of Gallura. The various species of eucalyptus, which bloom both in spring and summer in our territory, play an important role in the production of this honey. It has a strong and intense flavor, universally recognized, and is widely used for its beneficial properties. The color is light caramel.
The thistle honey from Antica Apistica Gallurese is produced in the hills of Gallura on natural pastures. Various species of wild thistle present in the region play a key role in its production. These blooms occur in late spring and, often, at the beginning of summer in case of late rains. For this reason, the honey has a high density and a strong flavor typical of this blossom. It is a honey with a very bold taste, characterized by a dark yellow color.
The wildflower honey from Antica Apistica Gallurese is produced in Gallura on natural pastures. Key contributors to its production include wild lavender, asphodel, heather, thistle, wild clover, and rockrose. These blooms primarily occur in the springtime, with variable prevalence depending on the season's conditions, which is why the wildflower honey exhibits varying colors, ranging from golden yellow to a more amber hue. The scent is delicate, slightly fruity with hints of wax. The taste is sweet, and the aroma is fine and floral.
Millefiori honey with a sweet and enveloping flavor, featuring floral and fruity notes, releases the typical aromas of various harvesting seasons. The addition of summer black truffle, with its characteristic delicate fragrance, gives it a unique and spicy aftertaste.
Millefiori honey with a sweet and enveloping flavor, featuring floral and fruity notes, releases the typical aromas of various harvesting seasons. The addition of white truffle, with its characteristic delicate fragrance, gives it a unique and spicy aftertaste.
Clementine jam made from Sardinian clementines, known for their plump and juicy segments. This jam is perfect for breakfast, ideal for spreading on bread and toast, and delicious as a filling for tarts, cookies, and sweet pies.
Figs jam made from Sardinian figs. This jam is perfect for breakfast, ideal for spreading on bread and toast, and delicious as a filling for tarts, cookies, and sweet pies. Great wih Sardinian cheese
Pear and ginger jam, thanks to its sweet and spicy note is ideal for breakfast, spread on bread and crackers and is delicious for filling pies, biscuits and sweet pies. Excellent with cheese.
Wild thistles are typical plants of the summer landscape of Sardinia, when the rains of January and February are generous, they develop proud and strong in all rural areas. the beautiful flower with bright colors or candid conceals a secret, for centuries it has been used instead of animal rennet for the production of particular local cheeses, the plant is also edible and is collected to be preserved in oil. Cardoon honey has an amber color, with more or less light shades; when it crystallizes its color turns into much lighter tones, Cardo honey is one of the most characteristic honeys of Sardinia.
It is the honey with the most important production on the island (and one of the most appreciated). The plant is native to Australia and was transplanted to Sardinia at the beginning of the century for land reclamation. Native to the family of myrtles, the plant reaches even 25 meters in height and blooms at the beginning of summer, producing an important amount of nectar and pollen much appreciated by bees, Eucalyptus honey has an amber color with shades more or less dark sometimes there may be a slight honeydew; crystallizes quickly and compact.
Asphodel is a wild plant commonly found in rural and rugged areas of Sardinia. With great effort, the beekeepers of Terrantiga move the bees during late spring when the rains allow its beautiful, pure white star-shaped flowers to produce a delicate and refined nectar. In large concentrations, it appears as a white blanket covering the meadows in spring, and its subtle and delicate fragrance evokes feelings of great calm and freedom in those who visit these places.
Known by the name 'Abba e mele,' 'Saba di mele,' or more commonly 'honey must,' it is a condiment whose origins are lost in the mists of time. Terrantiga’s honey strictly maintains its ties to the past, using the same recipe passed down through generations of the Caboni family, while employing modern production methods and the finest raw materials